《 足がピクつく睡眠障害 
周期性四肢運動障害Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

周期性四肢運動障害Periodic Limb Movement Disorder病院の医学事典検索結果。
病院福岡市内科睡眠障害の病院 華笑クリニック


松本 法親

《 周期性四肢運動障害 》

PLMDPLMSsymptoms(insomnia or EDS)

abnormal PLM index and/or PLM arousal index

(PLMD : Periodic Limb Movement Disorder)

(PLMS : Periodic Limb Movement in Sleep)


(nocturnal myoclonus)

1978 ASDA, 最近まで使われていたが、myoclonus より持続時間が長いことより、PLM に変わった。

PLMs : Periodic Limb Movements

PAM : Periodic Arm Movements

むずむず足症候群 (RLS) の60〜80%に合併する逆は真ならずRLSが下肢の
感覚であるのに対しPLMDは親指、足関節の背屈運動であり、周期的 (規則的)
運動である。(R/O "睡眠てんかん" では周期性はみられない)

RLSはbefore sleep (入眠前) の疾患であり

PLMDはafter(=during) sleep(入眠後=既に睡眠に入っている時に起こる)の疾患である。



                           PLMS                 RLS                

        SLEEP               after sleep                before sleep

        DIAGNOSIS        polysomnographic       clinical        

periodic (rhythmic) leg (arm) movements, such as dorsiflexion (extension) of the big toe with fanning of

the small toes, accompanied by flexion of the ancles, knees and hip that may or may not be associated with arousal.


・Only a small fraction (30%) of all patients with PLMD have RLS. Thus, the abscence of a history of RLS

does not diminish the possibility of the presence of PLM. In contrast, if a patient has RLS, he or she

also has PLM (70-90%).

<PLMS scoring (1993 ASDA American Sleep Disorders Association)>

During sleep (scored only on those epochs which the patients are asleep) ;

1) 0.5 to 5 second duration (lasting) of burst of anterior tibialis activity

2) an amplitude of at least 25% of the bursts recorded during biocalibration(=voluntary toe dorsiflexion)(覚醒時の随意収縮)


             1)and2)の条件がそろえば is scorred "leg movement(LM)"

            leg movement(LM)が更に下記3)periodicの条件を満たせばis scored "PLM"


3) a series of 4 events (burst) separated by intervals of 5(4) to 90 seconds

                                               (occuring every 5 to 90 seconds)

                                       (measured from leg movement onset to leg movement onset)


                              PLM during sleep"PLMS"と言う

4) limb movements preceeded by spontaneous arousal(=following arousal), or resulting from arousals

   associated with the termination of a respiratory event(=apnea termination) are not scored as PLMs.


    hypnic jerks睡眠時筋攣縮=sleep starts睡眠時ひきつけ(びくつき)=hypnagogic jerks入眠時筋攣縮=stage1

      に至る前のうとうとと眠る状態で出現し、入眠すると起こらない。これもbefore sleep故not scored

5) simultaneous movements in both legs are counted one movement(=in the two- channel method of

    ↓                                                                                                            display).

  unless the second leg movement is more than 5 seconds after the onset of the first

    (some use 5 seconds after the offset of the first leg movement)

・PLMS index(/hour)=number of PLMS per hour of sleep=total number of PLMs / (TST(min)/60min) ;

   greater than 5 is considered pathologic; 5 to 24 mild, 25 to 49 moderete, ≧ 50 severe

・PLMS-arousal index(/hour)=total number of PLMs associated with arousal / (TST(min)/60min) ;

   >25/hr in severe insomnia or EDS.                      

          to be scored as PLM with arousal , an arousal must occur simultaneously with a LM or

          following the LM by less than(<) 3 seconds


          International Classification of Sleep Disorders Criteria for PLMS Severity 

                  SEVERITY           PLM  INDEX(/HR)            PLM  AROUSAL INDEX(/HR)            

                  Mild                    5-24                              Not specified

                  Moderate            25-49                             Not specified

                  Severe               ≧50              >25/hr                  


・monitoring of both legs(=dual monitoring) is suggested., because PLM may occur in one or both legs.

・PLMs are restricted to NREM sleep in many patients(stage1に入るとすぐ出現しstage2で頻回となり、

  stage3〜4では減少する),(通常REM睡眠では出現しない) but PLMs in REM sleep can occur (重症例).

・Patients usually do not remember PLMs, but bedmates may report movement.

・K-alpha complex (K-complex と其れに続く α波の群発) がみられる。


PLMS and Microarousal : rule to score MA (ASDA : The American Sleep Disorders Association)

 in NREM sleep, MA are defined as a return to alpha or theta activity lasting between 3 and 15


 in REM sleep, criteria include, in addition to EEG changes, an increase in chin EMG amplitude.




sleep continuity (=sleep-maintenance) is desrupted by frequent awakenings (e.g., OSAS)

・Functional Significance of PLMS :

  Most authors have concluded that PLMS have little impact on nocturnal sleep or daytime vigilance.

  Some have questioned whether PLMD is a real clinical entity. PLMS occur in many asymptomatic individuals.



・nasal CPAPによるOSASの治療開始後、無呼吸が減少したにも関らず、不眠や過眠が改善

しない時には、 PLMs の出現や増悪が原因かもしれない。この時はPLMDの治療をする。

・                  Causes and Associations of PLMS                  

             ィ any cause of RLS

             ィ withdrawal of anticonvulsants, barbiturates, hypnotics

             ィ associated with narcolepsy, OSA, RBD, CPAP titration 

       in many asymptomatic individuals                             


 ・ traditionalにはリボトリールKLONOPIN(benzodiazepin clonazepam)0.5〜1.0mg-->

@ decrease in the arousals associated with the leg movements, but no decrease in the number

of leg movements.A pottential to worsen sleep apnea, B absolutely contraindicated in hypoventilation; should be used with caution in patients with OSA.

 ・ alternative to the benzodiazepin はDA agents ;

@SINEMET(carbidopa/levodopa (25/100 mg) combination)=Dopamine precursors

-->decrease the amount of leg movements


A MIRAPEX(Pramipexole)=Dopamine agonists

(注意)DA agents may exert a stimulant (or an alerting) effect that might further disrupt

nocturnal sleep or EDS.


華笑クリニック Tel: 092-533-6523 〒815-0082 福岡市南区大楠二丁目10-9 グランドアビタシオン平尾2F