(RLS:Restless Legs Syndrome)
(before sleep の疾患)
(Jan. 25, 2009 関東睡眠懇話会より一部抜粋)
<RLS diagnostic criteria>
(T) four essential criteria (required to make the diagnosis of RLS)
failure to meet any of these essential criterias excludes the diagnosis
@motor restlessness: "occurrence of motor activity to reduce the RLS symptoms"
Afocal akathisia or urge to move the body part: akathisiaアカシジアじっとしていられない感覚
body part or limb = focuses on a particular part of the body and must involve the lower limbs or feet
RLS is a sonsory disorder.
足を動かしたい欲求urge to move the legsに駆られ、
usually accompanied by unpleasant sensations-paresthesias (abnormal sensations) and
dysesthesias (uncomfortable sensations)。
・足を動かしたい欲求無しで単に動く事もあるjust move without an associated urge to move
・不快な感覚を伴わずに足を動かしたい欲求のみの事もあるsometimes unplesant sensations are absent, and there is only an irresistible urge to move ("Elvis legs")。
・下肢に加えて上肢や体の他の部位を巻き込む事があるsometimes the arms or other body parts are involved in addition to the legs
Bquiescegenic (=rest-induced ): onset with rest and relief with movement
下肢を動かしていない時(臥床や座っている時)に起こるor悪化する。下肢を動かしている最中には起こらない。onset with rest after varying periods at rest and likely the longer the
rest is maintained or forced on the patient / long car or airplane rides become difficult
even in the day, whereas shorter ones may not cause problems except at night. The time
of day and duration of rest interact to determine onset of symptoms.
動かすことにより改善する。relief with movement is usually fairly immediate and almost always persist as long as the patient is active
C夕方から夜間にかけて増悪する。strong circadian pattern of symptoms: worse in the evening and at night with considerable spontaneous relief each mornig, so sleep is commonly best in the late morning.
(U) Nonessential but common features
(not required to make the diagnosis of RLS)
@positive family history of RLS
Apositive therapeutic response to dopaminergic medications
BPLMS during wake or sleep
Csleep disturbance: difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep; less commonly, EDS
Dnormal neurologic exam in primary RLS; in secondary forms, possible evidence of neuropathy
Enatural clinical course: onset any age, but most severely affcted patients are in middle to older age, usually chronic and progressive, remission may occur, can be exacerbated by or exclusively during pregnacy
(familial RLS has a younger age of onset.)
secondary RLS:
・During pregnancy, the prevalence of RLS may be as high as 23%. In these affected women,
RLS was associated with low serum folate or/and ferritin level.
benzodiazepin clonazepam
(Jan. 25, 2009 関東睡眠懇話会より一部抜粋)
(Jan. 25, 2009 関東睡眠懇話会より一部抜粋)