<REM-specific sleep apnea>
・主としてREM sleep中にOSA (obstructive sleep apnea)が起る。
・したがって、overall AHI may be low even if the AHI during REM sleep is fairly high これが手がかり
・NREM sleep中には、@heavy snoring
ARERAs (=UARS)(下記参照) を伴う。
・overall AHIから期待されるEDSとpatientが訴えるEDSが合わない時に考慮すべき事:
@) normal night-to-night variation in AHI due to @different body positions (no supine monitoring)
Avariable amounts of REM sleep (low amount of REM sleep)
Bvariations in nasal resistance (nasal congestion → nasal
resistance↑ → amount of apnea↑)
Ceffect of medication and bevevages
A) alcohol (ethanol) : regular use of ethanol worsens sleep apnea considerably due to
@inhibitory effect on upper airway muscle activity and increasing snoring and apnea
Ainpairs the arousal response to airways occlusion; thus, apneas tend to be longer and associated with more
severe desaturations
Bsupress REM sleep; this results in an increase in the REM latency and a shift of REM toward the morning (as
the ethanol level drops)
B) insufficient sleep
C) narcolepsy
D) idiopathic hypersomnolence
E) depression
G) drug abuse
H) REM-specific sleep apnea(上述)
11) progressive hydrocephalus
12) posttraumatic hypersomnia:hypersomnia develops 6-18 months after head trauma
・arousal index much higher than the AHI RERAの手がかり
・definition: RERAs are arousals following periods of high inspiratory effort that do not meet
criteria for apnea or hypopnea. originally ↓
AHI<5/hr & RAI>10/hr @ご存じの通りobstructive apnea/hypopneaでは当たり前!
↓ A正常人では-20 to -30 cmH2Oでarousal起るが、snorers and
↓ patients with OSAでは-40 to -80 cmH2Oになるまで起らない。
↓ Barousalを起こすか否かはmagnitude of inspiratory effort and
↓ threshold of arousalにdepend on。
but RAI<10/hrのUARSもある。RAI>10/hrはnormal groupのmedian(中央値)
・arousalはEDSの原因になるが、一方ではarousal responseにより、apneaを終了させてairway patencyを
・RAI>10/hr plus no other reason to explain sleepiness can be used to define UARS or mild OSA.
・RAI (Respiratory Arousal Index)=respiratory arousals per hour of sleep=index of the amount of
sleep fragmentation secondary to respiratory events
include arousals associated with the termination of apnea, hypopnea and RERAs
in sleep lab not using nasal pressure, "snore arousals" (defined as those following heavy snoring) are
included in the RAI.
For detecting increased respiratory effort, esophageal pressure monitoring is the gold standard, but
nasal pressure monitoring is gaining popularity. ↓
normal breathing respiratory effirt はa maximum of -9 cmH2Oまで(-2 to -3 cmH2O in a small women)
・eventをRERAととるかobstructive hypopneaととるかは、hypopneaの定義次第である。
if you accept any drop in the flow (nasal pressure) for 10 or more seconds + an arousal as a hypopnea,
there will be few RERAs because most events will be labeled hypopneas.
・nasal pressureをmonitorすれば、spontaneous arousalsはcorrectly identified as respiratory arousals
・nasal pressure monitoring reveals repetitive episode of airflow limitation (flattening of an initial peak or
an abrupt decrease immediately after an initial peak)
followed by an arousal and temporary reversal of the flattening (return to a normal rounded pattern).
The flattened nasal pressure signal suggests increased respiratory effort.
・Using standard monitoring (=not using nasal pressure monitoring), the only clue that UARS may be
present is repetitive episodes of subtle changes in airflow (thermistor) followed by arousals (or trasient
EEG changes).
・RERAs is the arousal characterizing UARS. = respiratory arousals secondary to high respiratory (inspiratory) efforts(呼吸努力の亢進) → repeated arousal(覚醒) → sleep fragmentation(睡眠の分断) → EDSを生じる。(obstructive apnea/hypopneaのarousalも同様)
・主訴major complaintはfatigue rather than EDS. snoring is common but not always.